Thursday, 14 March 2013

Do's and Don't! While driving on Highways

It is an unenviable statistic but India's chaotic roads are now officially the most dangerous place to drive in the world. On an average 50% accidents happens on highways. In order to make sure we drive safely on highways here are a few suggestions on highway driving:

  • Avoid overtaking from left-hand side of the vehicle. Some drivers mistakenly use a right side blinker when it's safe to overtake them. A dangerous habit that we shouldn't trust.
  • Do not plan to overtake more than 1 vehicle at a time. It's become difficult when you are getting back into your lane.
  • It is safe to check the side-view mirror while overtaking, might be possible that there's another vehicle trying to overtake you from behind. 
  • For overtaking - Don't do it, if you hesitate.
  • Never overtake along with a car which is ahead of you on the highway - One of the major causes of accidents on Indian Highways.
  • Keep up a safe distance from the car ahead. Follow the 4 second rule. Do not tailgate. The higher the speed, more space you will need to safely come to a stop.
  • Avoid driving beside a commercial vehicle for too long, trucks have much larger blind spots and the driver is less likely to see your vehicle when making a maneuver.
  • The car must be in top mechanical shape for a highway drive. Brakes are important because you never know when you're going slowdown for a piece of road that has been completely washed out by the monsoons or for a speed bump which may appear even in a 4-lane highway.
  • Understand your own limits and that of your car; never exceed them. If you’re driving an unfamiliar car, spend some time getting to know its road manners first. Further, beware of the car’s blind spots (every car has them). Some cars suffer from poor high speed behavior, including a sensitive steering, excessive body roll, poor grip levels, weak brakes etc.
  • Do not get distracted. Music should be low. Driving on the highway needs your 100% commitment and concentration.
  • If you are sleepy, avoid taking the steering on your hands. The number of “confident” drivers end up in crashes because of drowsiness.
Your journey is as important as the destination. So make it safe  :)

Now we have our youtube channel. Check out our first video on Traffic solution

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Convert to CNG for a better tomorrow

CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) is more environment friendly alternative to other fuels. It has been considered as a better option due to rising Fuel prices for a while now. CNG vehicles are growing at a 30 percent annual rate.

Why only CNG?
  • CNG powered Vehicles have lower maintenance cost.
  • CNG fuel systems are sealed, which prevents spills or evaporation losses.
  • CNG mixes easily & evenly with air.
  • Less likely to ignite on hot surfaces, (auto-ignition temperature - 540 °C)
  • Less pollution & more efficiency.

What does it take for a CNG Conversion?
  • Getting CNG Kit from a RTO Licensed Dealer is a safe option. Another option is to check with your nearby Service centers.
  • Roadside retrofitters will help you in getting a Certificate approval from RTO stating your Vehicle Regn, engine/chassis number.
  • After paying additional premium towards the cost of CNG kit to your Insurance Company your CNG vehicle is operational :)

Still worried about the cost? Don’t be -

We actually did the Math !

  • CNG Kit costs between INR 40,000 to 50,000. For vehicles like Honda Civic and Accord, the  cost goes up to INR 55,000 to INR 65,000 (depending on manual and automatic).
  • Honda Civic gives 15km/kg via CNG, while Honda Accord gives 13 km/kg. That means we are spending INR 2.96 per km in CNG, whereas petrol costs us 7.70 per km.
  • CNG costs 1/3 & 1/2 as compared to other fuels.
  • On an average if you drive 750 Km/month, it will take 2.5 years to recover your CNG Kit installation cost.
         Hence Proved !

Who else is using CNG?

  • Germany is targeting 2 million vehicles by 2020.
  •  AT & T ordered 1,200 CNG powered Cargo vans from General Motors in 2012. That's the largest order for General motors.
  • AT & T further plans to invest $565 million in CNG vehicles by 2018.
  • 10 million CNG cars as of today.

Investing 40,000 INR in a CNG kit is a good payback. This world is changing for a better tomorrow, why don‘t we?